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Beauty industry is moving forward at an incredible pace. We’ve gone through the 80’s, seen the first face lifts, chemical peelings, fillers promising to straighten the skin and erase any sign of ageing. Fast forward to the present, the desire to look young and fresh is still very much here.

Imagine being able to offer people an in depth knowledge about their skin and an ability to make their wishes come true, their insecuritis gone and make them shine. Through the course you will be taught about the entire procedure, and given all the tools you need to make your dream of helping people feel better and more confident come true,  and the same time improve your knowledge and your financial status.

Most of the procedures the beauty industry uses are extremely invasive, demanding weeks of recovery, staying inside and hiding from the public eye. What people want now, is the effect, but not the recovery. Since the method is non-surgical, the result is a natural looking, smooth and luminous skin. For a future fibroblast-skin tighteninig specialist, such as yourself, that means only one thing – a wonderful opportunity.

Intriguing solution

Fibroblast skin tightening is an intriguing solution if you want to perform non-invasive procedures and help people with loose and saggy skin, wrinkles, age and sun spots. It does not stop just there though. More targeted areas, such as upper and lower eyelids, neck and neck line and belly prove to be great candidates for the treatment as well. But the most wonderful thing is that fibroblast skin tightening can be performed anywhere on the body where the skin is getting saggy and tired.

Fibroblast skin tightening is performed using a small electric arch. Arch is transmitted through a small probe, and the arc causes minor superficial damage to the upper skin layer, causing new skin to generate collagen and elastin. Those exact fibers that tend to fade as we age. With the procedure done, the client may have some minor swelling, if the procedure was done in the eye area. Otherwise the tiny crusts that form, naturally fall off in a matter of days.

Regarding the general safety of the procedure, there is no question. The amount of possible side effects and possible complications is neglibgible. Since we do not add anything to the skin, unlike the traditional surgery, the skin is only stimulated to just produce more of what it naturally produces anyway.

Fibroblast skin tightening at Privé Academy

Privé Academy helps you with your first steps. The course includes the after care set, high quality training material and your very own professional skin tightening device. As a thriving specialist, the only way you can look at this training, is as it is an investment. An investment into yourself, your business, and your future.  Do not berate yourself from being a successful and happy individual. Doing the work that you love, making people happy with the support of internationally recognised Privé Academy.

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