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A Special Kind of Summer School
Summer school is wesome as it is, right? But many of them take part in ordinary locations, feature ordinary people and explore ordinary topics. Time to try something different…

How about a summer school that takes you to one of the most exciting business hubs of the modern world? Where you will be joined by aspiring and inspiring young and young-at-heart people, learning about how to conquer the business world one day.

Doesn’t sound bad, huh?

Awesome Locations for Summer School
There are three to choose from. The prestigious Silicon Valley in California, USA, where some of the world’s most interesting companies change the future of the world every single day. Munich, one of the most exciting and successful European business hubs of today, where modern business practices are perfected year after year. And Toronto, a city that combines top business environment, top cultural excitements and top natural sights. Think and choose your flavor of modern business education…

Awesome People
First, awesome organizers, who will make your stay pleasant and enlightening. Second, amazing summer school attendees, who – just like you – want to conquer the business world one day. Third, top lecturers and mentors, who know exactly what it takes to be successful in today’s demanding business environment. And last, amazing locals, who will broaden your horizons and make your summer truly special.

Awesome Topics with a Clear Goal
Many traditional forms of business education focus too much on textbook knowledge and memorization, and too little on the practical side of establishing and successfully running a business. The goal of ABC Business Academy’s business courses is clear: to equip people with knowledge and experience with which they can one day shape our future from the top of the business world.

Some Good and Some Bad News
The bad news is that applications for our summer 2019 business courses are already closed. On the bright side, you can already pre-apply for the summer of 2020. See you there.

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